40 hours training course for the brewing industry is offered to all the persons interested to improve their
knowledge in this particular field of activity. This course offers an intensive introduction to the science of
brewing, and directly connects brewing science with brewing practice. The program covers the
technological and biochemical aspects of the brewing process, including raw materials, malting, brewing,
fermentation and finishing. Sensory evaluation and quality control are integrated with the main subject
The course starts at 8:30 till 16:30 from Monday to Friday, October 29th to November 2nd 2018. It
will be held at the microbrewery Perth Brewing Company, 121 Dufferin St, Perth, Ontario, Canada.
Masterbrewer, consultant and educator with over 45 years of experience in the brewing world,
Michel Gauthier has developed this course in 1996 and revised its content on an annual basis.
Course fees
The cost: 1200 $ plus taxes for a total amount of 1379,70 $. A check at the amount mentioned above
is required to confirm the presence of the participant.
Check to the order of : Consultation CarMic Inc.
Dead line to subscribe: October 12th 2018.
The course material will be supplied to each participant.
A minimum number of 8 participants is required to confirm the course. We will limit the number of
participants to 12 for better efficiency.
For any details regarding the course, please contact me by telephone at: (819) 428-1622 or my
cellular at (514) 712-1469 or E-mail; michelga@hotmail.com
The participants are invited to bring along a malt milled sample and some beers that they make to
share with others (taste profile)
Intense Brewing Course